Episode 17

Greg Davis: Godwinks and Twists of Fate

After experiencing rapid fire devastating personal and financial setbacks, Greg Davis bought a $400 camera, quit his corporate job, and set out on what was to be a year long global soul searching expedition. There were a lot of life changing experiences along the way that Greg sometimes refers to as fate, such as the photographic commission from the Museums of the Southwest which took him on a pilgrimage in India, or the Vietnamese woman he met along the journey who changed his perspective and became the signature photographic piece of his astonishing career. All of this has brought Greg Davis to a place where he seeks “something greater than ourselves” in his life, his photography, his filmmaking, and his work.


  1. Greg is a significantly talented and sensitive photographer with such a gentle soul that comes through in his best work. This lovely interview offers some insights into the serious trials and magical moments that shaped his journey. Every photo tells a story, and Greg is willing to share those stories in such a generous manner.

  2. Fun episode! Fascinating stories and Greg tells them so well. Thank you!

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