Episode 30

A revealing conversation with Patrice Aguilar, global wildlife photographer and special ambassador for the Wild Horses of Carmargue

In this episode, recorded with Rodney in the south of France with Patrice while on a photographic tour with the wild white horses of The Carmargue, you’ll hear from them both about the danger of the unprecedented success of global wildlife tourism and it’s impending potentially catastrophic result. What should be done? What can be done? Don’t miss this important and informative conversation about those issues and so much more.

A revealing conversation with Patrice Aguilar, global wild life photographer and special ambassador for the Wild Horses of Carmargue

by Chick Morgan and Rodney Bursiel


Website icon pixterra.fr

Instagram icon @patriceaguilar

Instagram icon @PatriceAguilarPhotographe

Website icon chickmorgan.com

website icon rodneybursielphotography.com

Instagram icon @rodneybursiel

Don’t miss our podcast episode with Jonathan Byrd where we discuss the wild ponies of his home state of North Carolina.

1 Comment

  1. What a fascinating conversation about a clearly very special place “hidden in plain sight”.
    Now added to my bucket list of additional French sites to experience. Thanks for sharing.